object Born in Edmonton and currently based in Vancouver, Canadian artist Tiko Kerr has earned high-profile recognition for his artfully liberated visual explorations of landscape and figurative scenes. His early body of work in his The Past Is Personal series explored the way that memory. emotion and personal narrative influenced his perception of his quotidian environment.
In his recent collage work, Kerr investigates perception from a more conceptual angle that shifts into the surreal sublime. Investigating the spectrum of perception that exists between Pareidolia (perceiving an where none exists) and Camouflage (where an existing is made invisible), Kerr creates minimalist narrative spaces that are at once cunning, comedic and culturally poignant. Through the fragmentation of these figurative scenes and the abstracted reimagining of the source material, Kerr distorts our understanding of what we are looking at. The collages become masters of disguise - appearance artfully scrabbled out so it is open to a variety of views. The full series explores the way marginal, outcast or outsider figures can be culturally-encoded by shape and pattern recognition but also creatively reimagined through the cleverly prickly use of the collaged source material.
Kerr has been widely recognized for his creative accomplishments and longtime activism. Along with many solo shows, Kerr has undertaken prominent creative partnerships with many arts organisations. Kerr provided the sumptuous artistic scenery and visual through-line for Ballet BC’s acclaimed Wonder Boy. In 2014, Kerr was the featured biographical subject of Cue The Muse, an Emmy-nominated documentary series that focused on artistic freethinkers and creative rebels. Kerr’s work has been the feature of many published articles and his work is in many private and corporate collections.