


August 21, 2020

News August Article

Nulla nec porttitor libero. Pellentesque fermentum mauris et tincidunt iaculis. Sed consectetur maximus dui, eu aliquam est egestas ut. Sed congue, orci nec porttitor sagittis, nulla augue lacinia justo, quis gravida diam diam vitae mauris. Phasellus enim leo, congue vel laoreet id, volutpat sed dui. Donec id nulla vel orci vulputate tristique in sit amet ligula. Aenean condimentum vehicula urna, dignissim ultricies quam. Praesent nec ipsum id lectus bibendum molestie. Vestibulum sagittis et magna eu faucibus. Praesent quis bibendum magna, eu imperdiet nisl.

In placerat dui dignissim, lacinia ante eu, aliquet mi. Morbi tincidunt, ipsum vel congue egestas, massa risus volutpat metus, vel tempor nisl ligula ut felis.

Donec laoreet, arcu ut dignissim mattis, metus tellus placerat lacus, et pharetra tortor erat a ligula. In nec blandit ipsum. Fusce tempor egestas eros in placerat. Integer aliquet odio sed semper lacinia. Donec mollis mollis blandit. Aliquam commodo lorem at ipsum pellentesque, vel iaculis ante egestas.

Nam diam ex, pharetra eget lobortis non, tempor vel neque. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Ut ac vulputate justo. Proin bibendum nec dui vitae blandit.

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December 15, 2015

News from Demo Gallery

Tonight! Meet Photographer Michael Kahn! Book Tour and Signing Event 5-8pm.
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June 30, 2015

Blog Post

Nulla nec porttitor libero. Pellentesque fermentum mauris et tincidunt iaculis. Sed consectetur maximus dui, eu aliquam est egestas ut. Sed congue, orci nec porttitor sagittis, nulla augue lacinia justo, quis gravida diam diam vitae mauris. Phasellus enim leo, congue vel laoreet id, volutpat sed dui. Donec id nulla vel orci vulputate tristique in sit amet ligula. Aenean condimentum vehicula urna, dignissim ultricies quam. Praesent nec ipsum id lectus bibendum molestie. Vestibulum sagittis et magna eu faucibus. Praesent quis bibendum magna, eu imperdiet nisl.

In placerat dui dignissim, lacinia ante eu, aliquet mi. Morbi tincidunt, ipsum vel congue egestas, massa risus volutpat metus, vel tempor nisl ligula ut felis.

Donec laoreet, arcu ut dignissim mattis, metus tellus placerat lacus, et pharetra tortor erat a ligula. In nec blandit ipsum. Fusce tempor egestas eros in placerat. Integer aliquet odio sed semper lacinia. Donec mollis mollis blandit. Aliquam commodo lorem at ipsum pellentesque, vel iaculis ante egestas.

Nam diam ex, pharetra eget lobortis non, tempor vel neque. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Ut ac vulputate justo. Proin bibendum nec dui vitae blandit.

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March 11, 2014

New Work by Example Artist

Below are recent works by Example Artist.
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October 25, 2013

Documentary Film about Ansel Adams

From the day that a 14-year-old Ansel Adams first saw the transcendent beauty of the Yosemite Valley, his life was, in his words, "colored and modulated by the great earth-gesture of the Sierra." Few American photographers have reached a wider audience than Adams, and none has had more impact on how Americans grasp the majesty of their continent. In this elegant, moving and lyrical portrait of the most eloquent and quintessentially American of photographers, producer Ric Burns seeks to explore the meaning and legacy of Adams' life and work. At the heart of the film are the great themes that absorbed Adams throughout his career: the beauty and fragility of "the American earth," the inseparable bond of man and nature, and the moral obligation the present owes to the future.
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May 7, 2013

Dark Clouds Roll In

New Available Works
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October 16, 2011

Cascading Hills

Art Fair Fever
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September 5, 2011

Video of Picasso Painting a Bull

A Bull Being Painted by Picasso
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July 21, 2011

Stieglitz And O'Keeffe: Their Love And Life In Letters

Stieglitz And O'Keeffe: Their Love And Life In Letters
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July 19, 2011

A City Steeped in Picasso's Lore

A City Steeped in Picasso's Lore
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October 13, 2010

Eve Arnold - Marilyn Monroe

Eve Arnold is known for her celebrity photographs, and perhaps most known for her photos of Marilyn Monroe.

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July 24, 2010

Your Town Art Fair

Record breaking attendance at this year's Your Town Art Fair
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July 27, 2009

Lost Ansel Adams Photos are Worth $200 Million

LOS ANGELES -- Prints that a California man purchased at a garage sale for $45 are the real thing!
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